Small World
Copyright 2017 Don Ray
The world looks small this morning, the thinness of the atmosphere somehow evident, the rippling geology only a thin crust, the burgeoning population compressed into an acutely finite area.
Big earth or small earth, like everything the difference lies only in our mind, qualia of terminology fooling us into imagining relative scales of our own creation have some actual meaning.
If the perceived largeness and smallness of entire planets and galaxies are merely a whim of our momentary fancy, speaking not of the object we declare to be large or small but actually just reflecting our perception of our own scale of relative influence or subservience to the object in question, how much credence should we give to all our other judgements, beliefs, and paradigms?
Are they not all ultimately just expressions of our subjective relationship to the subject under discussion? Remove us and our relationship from the consideration, and do not all our declarations of rights and wrongs and absolutes and explanations evaporate?
A world small this morning is so because of my particular mental perspective. A political or social or religious or business judgement this morning is likewise so because of momentary experiential perspective.
Held in such arbitrary and capricious esteem perhaps we should temper the seriousness with which we take our judgements and dogma. Discerning the vaporous nature of our solidly held foundations perhaps we should give more attention to the state of our inner selves that gives rise to those mercurial foundations. There in our soul we decide if worlds are big or small, if policies are good or bad, if beliefs are right or wrong. Look to foundations and discover they arise within you. Look to foundations and realize you create them. Look past foundations and reveal the Source and Spirit and Christos that from the beginning set in motion your freedom to pursue this creation of yourself in chosen relationship with all around you.
Copyright 2017 Don Ray
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