Knowledge of Good and Evil
Copyright 2017 Don Ray
(Reference: the Biblical tale of the Garden of Eden)
To have profound knowledge of good and evil you must be inescapably trapped in a situation out of your control. If you can merely wish yourself out of an unpleasant situation, if your conscious experience is not bound to some interaction matrix (the role served by this temporal-physical existence), your experience of good and evil is no more real and substantive than if you were watching a movie or playing a video game.
If the circumstances and outcomes remain in your control you cannot experience good and evil with the full essence of your being.
Watching good and evil provides only an intellectual model of them, a model lacking in existential intimacy.
To relegate our eternal consciousness to this corporeal and temporal localization in which we exist, that is, to taste the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, was to accept the experience of death and suffering and grief and pain. With that knowledge we indeed, as the serpent in the Garden promised, become as the gods, not because the knowledge gives us magical powers but because it gives us the empathy that can be born only of personal experience.
Of course the Tree of Life had to be hidden from us. We need to demonstrate what we will do with the knowledge of good and evil before we are empowered as children of God.
So by our choice we are left here alone, alone in that our individual conscious experiences are isolated even from each other.
At times the veil between the carnal and the spiritual realms is thinned, and we may even see through it. On occasion we get glimpses and wondrous things happen…..but not too often. Our experience of good and evil must be thorough. No book-learning or instructional video, this carnal life…...these are lessons for eternity, lessons to be deeply absorbed and integrated into the core of the soul.
Live on. Learn. Accept the Invitation and inheritance as the children who fell to earth that with the resulting knowledge of good and evil they could rise to Heaven.
Copyright 2017 Don RayShare it.
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