Monday, October 30, 2017

Ghost of Perfection

Ghost of Perfection
Copyright 2017 Don Ray

What new can be said?

What new can possibly be said?

Has not all been spoken?

Have we not said everything possible?

What could be learned, what could possibly be taught?

Surely our limits to learning have long since been exceeded.

What could possibly entice anyone to sit and listen?

Yet in the moments of perfection,
in the flutter of a wing,

in a passing breeze,

in the foliage calm and serene and inviting,

waiting there,

waiting there,

are the lessons,

Monday, October 23, 2017

Spark of Progress

Spark of Progress
Copyright 2017 Don Ray

Life and pain and survival prod us into action.  Occasionally opportunity may prod us into action.  On rare occasions our own drive and creativity will prod us into action.  But most typically it is pain and survival that motivate us.

That means our actions will probably not be well thought out.  They will probably address issues in a short term, reactive way instead of a long term, resolving way.  The condition of the world - the environment - our nation - and our individual lives testify to this.

Yet still once in awhile the Spirit of human potential motivates our individual or national actions and progress and creativity momentarily result.  

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Carnivores and Cuddling
Copyright 2017 Don Ray

Down at the horse barn a crow insistently tries to tell me something of great urgency.  S/he thrusts her head up with each syllable, but being human I am too dense to understand.

With the approach of another of my species the crow gives up and flies away in disgust.

The arriving person pays their sweet regards to the two little pigs.  The warm affection these little guys elicit from visitors is quite touching.  In this scene we see the world, the world since the Garden, the world of carnivores needing to eat, the world of dawning awareness of affection.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Knowledge of Good and Evil

Knowledge of Good and Evil
Copyright 2017 Don Ray

(Reference: the Biblical tale of the Garden of Eden)

To have profound knowledge of good and evil you must be inescapably trapped in a situation out of your control.  If you can merely wish yourself out of an unpleasant situation, if your conscious experience is not bound to some interaction matrix (the role served by this temporal-physical existence), your experience of good and evil is no more real and substantive than if you were watching a movie or playing a video game.

If the circumstances and outcomes remain in your control you cannot experience good and evil with the full essence of your being.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Small World

Small World
Copyright 2017 Don Ray

The world looks small this morning, the thinness of the atmosphere somehow evident, the rippling geology only a thin crust, the burgeoning population compressed into an acutely finite area.  

Big earth or small earth, like everything the difference lies only in our mind, qualia of terminology fooling us into imagining relative scales of our own creation have some actual meaning.

If the perceived largeness and smallness of entire planets and galaxies are merely a whim of our momentary fancy, speaking not of the object we declare to be large or small but actually just reflecting our perception of our own scale of relative influence or subservience to the object in question, how much credence should we give to all our other judgements, beliefs, and paradigms?