Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Stream of Consciousness


Copyright 2021 Don Ray.  Feel free to print and share.

There is of course only consciousness.  Our individual consciousness, this ensemble of experiences and choices, seamlessly flows through the temporal reality that provides the opportunities for contact and interaction with other individual elements of consciousness.

This material world accommodatingly provides some nominally rational continuity to facilitate that contact and interaction among we elements of consciousness.

It is all only consciousness, nothing but consciousness, though the material reality that serves as connective tissue binding together the elements of consciousness would seem to have the flexibility of concrete.

All our attention to the material world at the exclusion of prioritizing the Unity bond with other elements of consciousness misses the point, neglecting the opportunity for connection provided by that material world.  

We have only consciousness, incarcerated and blinded as it may be in this carnal existence, and that consciousness attains instantiation only to the degree it experiences interaction and Unity with Consciousness as a Whole (succinctly captured in the appellation “Christos”).  The opportunity for that interaction arises in no small part through the opportunities for interaction with other individual elements of consciousness (i.e. people).

The actual structure of Reality?:

  • The foundation Word, the Source, that preceded this particular version of time in which we reside, 

  • The individual elements of consciousness (us) that in the matrix of their interactions form the structure of the Whole Consciousness

  • The continuity of flow of each of those elements as they segway through the ages  that we perceive as our lives, 

  • The transition that we call death, though it is the antithesis of ending, 

This is the structure of Reality, a Reality necessarily flowing through the girders of this temporal/ physical framework , but a Reality not to be mistaken for being just this temporal/physical framework.

Don't be enslaved, deluded, and deceived by the temporal and physical and carnal.  Use the temporal to create the eternal, apply the physical to touch the spiritual, accept this carnal as opportunity to embrace each others’ souls.

Copyright 2021 Don Ray.  Feel free to print and share.

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