Saturday, July 10, 2021

Lessons of the Mystery


Copyright 2021 Don Ray.  Feel free to print and share.


life lessons,

learned and taken so seriously,

lessons for the individual, 

no one else.


life lessons,

never to be shared,

except with others who already learned them.

There is a depth of understanding, a depth of seeing and feeling and experiencing,

that is of little use to and little interest for this world.

Promise mysteries solved and people will listen.

Pronounce that all is mystery and shall so remain,

and watch the faces turn away.

Mystery, wrapped in life.

We love a mystery, but only with solution.

That’s why we dare not look too closely at life,

for then we see just how inscrutable it is.

But the looking, the looking,

is what makes us human.

The looking, that defines us as children of God,

even  of a well hidden, or at least disguised, God.

Hurry, hurry,

it seems so long ago,

surely there is little time left.

This gift, this moment, is too precious,

too ripe with potential,

to let slide.

But there are no answers, at least none that any want to hear,

and none that solve the Mystery.

But they do ease the pain, don’t you think?


Was that a hint?  One has to listen to hear them, you know.

They are always whispered, and never repeated.

Always nebulous, discrete, private,

the answers to the Mysteries.  

They are not to be shared,

not due to some cosmic dictate,

but because no one will listen.


Keep listening.

Hear the sounds of speculations rattle to and fro within the Mystery.

All you will hear is the Mystery laughing…..

but it is not a scornful laugh.

It is almost playful, as if we take the Mystery much too seriously.

It is glad we explore it, welcomes our investigations and speculations,

our philosophies and theologies,

like a parent smiling at the crawling infant’s explorations 

about the room.

It is healthy, a part of growth, these explorations,

this crawling and putting things in our mind.

It is serious business, this growing up.

It is playful and joyful, and fraught with dangers.

It seems so long ago, 

we started exploring, started crawling, started asking,

but there is time, and there is beyond time,

so no need to fret or hurry.

The Mystery abides,

welcoming our explorations,

answers awaiting, but only once we begin to crawl.

Copyright 2021 Don Ray.  Feel free to print and share.

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