Human society is a chaos of suffering and misery and
injustice and violence. This is in
direct analogy to the violent universe around us.
In the universe darkness and violent collisions and
explosions and chaos have led to the ignition of fusion in stars. The dark universe became filled with light
and eventually, out of collisions and catastrophe, on at least one planet the
violence led to ignition of life.
So too in the ongoing evolution of life and humanity,
violence – collisions – catastrophe – and cruelty provide the chaos analogous
to the chaos of the universe. Just as
fusion can ignite in individual stars and life ignite on the fetid surface of a
young planet, out of social and societal chaos and disaster, individual Love
can ignite.
Why should it be so? …..that the chaotic structure of this
spiritual universe is the only way to ignite meaningful Love and true eternal
Colliding planets and asteroid bombardments seem an
improbable way to ignite conscious individual Life. Wars and dictatorships seem an unlikely way to
ignite Love. But that Love, born not of
obligation or edict, born in spite of circumstance and conflict, born of profoundly
free individual Choice, is a Love higher and more powerful than the love of any
In all the social and anthropological forces driving human
behavior, Love is the weakest. In this
regard it is analogous to gravity. The gravity of the entire earth cannot even win a contest with the magnetic force of a refrigerator magnet. Yet the
entire universe, its curvature, its expansion rate, the existence of galaxies,
the existence of stars that light those galaxies, all arise because of the
weakest force, gravity.
So too, in spite of the struggle for survival, in spite of
the hunger, in spite of the selfishness, in spite of the pain and anger and fear, Love
in its selfless form – though often locally and individually indiscernible and
undetectable – provides the subtle, compelling influence that has allowed
compassion, gentleness, and forgiveness to weave their influence through the
daily clash, competition, and combat.
The gravity that holds galaxies together arises in large
part from dark matter, interacting with our world of visible matter only through
gravity, leaving the dark matter invisible and locally undetectable. Every galaxy is surrounded by dark matter or
the galaxy would not exist.
So too Love is not limited to the paucity of our human
expressions and experience, but surrounds us and envelopes us. Often locally undetectable, as indefinable
and ineffable as dark matter, none the less it shapes the great flow of Life
through the ages.
Dark matter provided the opportunity for matter to accrete
and assemble until stars ignited and light shone, and then under that warming light
life could ignite.
The process continues as from this ignited life, consciousness
incarnate – humanity - has the opportunity to choose to ignite Love and Unity…….
Love and Unity not alone and surrounded by cold and darkness, though to our
eyes it may appear so. Just as the glowing
stars are surrounded by and embedded in the invisible dark matter that served as their
nursery, our individual Love and Unity that we allow to ignite are surrounded
and sustained by the Love - the Christos – in which and through which all
Creation has unfolded from before the beginning.
Copyright 2016 Don Ray
If you found this beneficial, please pass it on.
Copyright 2016 Don Ray
If you found this beneficial, please pass it on.
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