Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The threat of the refugee crisis.

Many of us would like to think this nation is still a nation of courage and compassion, the “home of the brave”, the “good guys”.
But today’s political campaign has become a contest of cowardice, each candidate trying to show how scared they are of Daesh* and children and families from foreign places. (* Daesh is a pejorative Arabic term for ISIL/ISIS.  I will not use the latter terms because Daesh does not deserve to be referred to as Islamic or as a state.)
Frightened politicians call for screening refugees by their religion, allowing in only Christians.  In addition to being almost humorous (anyone can lie about their religion), ironically, limiting asylum to only Christians contradicts the very core of Christ’s teachings.  But then again, you never hear people campaigning to get the Beatitudes displayed in court houses and school rooms.
The greatest threat, the real threat, from Daesh is that they frighten us into turning from our values, our principles, our ideals that put “glory” in Old Glory.
Once we no longer have the courage to stand for what is right, to take a risk to protect people threatened by evil, to stand up to tyranny, then we have lost the soul of this nation and Daesh will have won.
Daesh thinks winning depends on how many people you can kill, and they want us to sink to their level.
Daesh has no chance in a war where victory is determined by how many lives you save.
That is how we can show our courage, our patriotism, the bright light that is the United States.  The greatest country in the world has the opportunity to crush Daesh and its evil by refusing to let it pull us down to its level, and instead standing up for the ideals and values of courage, compassion, and justice that made this country a beacon of freedom to the world.
Is there risk in providing asylum to refugees, in letting traumatized children and their parents enjoy the blessings of this great country?  That’s a question only time will answer.  Do we have the courage to take that risk in the name of our nation, our values, our flag, and our heritage?  That is a question only each of as individuals can answer. 

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