Science vs. Religion
Copyright 2016 Don Ray
The beauty of science: it offers a mutually shared faith.
Copyright 2016 Don Ray
The beauty of science: it offers a mutually shared faith.
You can see my
data and replicate my experiments.
The weakness of religion: you cannot see my god(s), cannot
share my ecstatic experience, cannot measure my holy truths.
With science I can give you improved crop yields, transportation,
communication, and medical care.
With my religion I can give you confusing words and obscure
names and esoteric creeds, and of course, retribution.
Science will always win the intellectual debate with
religion because science’s shared, common, mutually experienced data base is
inarguable. But religion would eliminate
even the need for debate if it more effectively shared what it offers as
common, verifiable, replicable, mutual experience: love, hope, healing, forgiveness, and compassion.
Copyright 2016 Don Ray
Copyright 2016 Don Ray
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