Sunday, August 24, 2014

Cranial Caucus: confusing conundrums of consciousness

Cranial Caucus

Don Ray

Copyright 2016

Self-awareness, thoughts arising from within the self, objective-external sensory inputs, the self’s filtering and perception of those external inputs, dictated-genetically programmed thoughts and behaviors, randomly firing neurons and synapses, reactions and automatic responses, and somewhere in that cacophony, the whispering of the Holy Spirit?!
Good grief, can consciousness really be so complicated?!  And I’ve not even yet invoked the mysterious subconscious!
Maybe we should introduce a few possessing spirits while we’re at it!….and let’s not leave out addictions, lusts, and hungers, with their concomitant ability to deftly weave our rationalizations of our irrational behaviors. 

As I sit in these woods I see the diamond rainbows of morning dew, but did I have any choice about seeing that?  On this sunny morning after cleansing rain, did I choose to come to this glade?…or did a committee of arguing genes, instincts, and environmental influences pull my marionette strings and clumsily walk me over there this morning?  And why does it seem so important to ask that question?  Whatever the validity of the answer arrived at today, will it still hold true if someday my aging brain finds itself wracked with the Alzheimer’s disease that possessed my father for so many decades?

Can freewill find any place in that crowded room of instincts, reactions, and God knows what spirits, all yelling for attention like mad traders on a commodities trading floor?  From inside this personal asylum is it even possible to answer the question?…..for won’t the answers be dictated by the same mob of subconscious miscreants that so enthusiastically stoke my fears, lusts, cravings, and delusions?

I should make haste to apologize to the poor soul reading this rambling diatribe, for perhaps they were not yet afflicted with these nagging questions about the nature of their consciousness.  Surely most people do not waste time and energy with such insoluble dilemmas, nor would I council such fruitless undertaking.  But for this moment, as external sensory inputs tell me sun’s warmth has begun to penetrate my jacket and a squirrel’s sensory inputs tell him a large and perplexed creature blocks his path to his breakfast nook, I (whatever “I” may mean) proceed to take a poll of those motives unconscious, spirits holy or otherwise, and thoughts programmed and reactionary, to query the nature of consciousness and freewill, if in fact either exists as anything more than convincing illusion of synapses’ prestidigitations.

This query may be short lived though, as my programmed awareness that I have not yet had breakfast has made a motion to adjourn the proceedings and said programmed awareness is effectively lobbying the cabal of easily swayed delegates in the raucous convention of my mind. 

The “I”, a most ineffective chairperson of this unwieldy assembly, seeks to counter hunger’s compelling arguments by invoking conscious awareness of the passing hummingbird, the robin’s melody, and the cooing doves.  After all, “I” retain veto power in these deliberations!….don’t “I”?  But the rock on which you-we-I sit is hard and uncomfortable!” and “You’ll be late to work!” second and third hunger’s motion.  And I find the end result of my morning caucus seems to be a yet further diminished authority of “I” in the quorum of behavioral legislators.  But “I” think that in some matters “I” still retain some executive power.  Don’t “I” appoint the sergeant at arms, who makes at last some perfunctory effort at denying entry to the proceedings to some of the more unsavory characters with credentials of dubious source?  And “I” do select most of the members of the executive council of priorities, values, ethics, and principles that wield no insignificant sway over the bills and resolutions brought to open debate.

Of course backroom caucuses of furtive neuroses and insurgent emotions will always plot their coups.  But on this morning “I”, as chairperson, chose to invite feathered symphony to address the assembly of consciousness, “my” meditative gavel momentarily quieted the unruly parliament to hear the honored guests, and “I” even managed to briefly table Hunger’s motion to adjourn to breakfast. Those executive accomplishments of freewill, delusional or otherwise, will do nicely for this morning.

Copyright 2007

Don Ray

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