Copyright 2016 Don Ray
Society’s attitude toward Auschwitz and the Roman Colosseum may tell us something about ourselves.
Nobody likes Auschwitz. Everyone perceives it as a place of tragedy, except for perhaps a handful of unrepentant psychopaths.
Now go to the Colosseum. Within its walls countless thousands upon thousands were murdered, executed, tortured, and generally torn asunder, no small number of them because of their non-conforming religious beliefs. The Colosseum was a place of unbridled horror, blood, gore, terror, and suffering.
Auschwitz had to be kept hidden from the general populace. Its perpetrators operated in secrecy behind walls. The Colosseum operated for entertainment of the general public. Admission was free.
The operators of Auschwitz were hunted down, imprisoned, executed, and universally condemned in public opinion. The operators of the Colosseum are for the most part praised as one of the great civilizations in history.