Monday, June 24, 2013

Meeting Place of the Gods

Meeting Place of the Gods
Copyright 2016 Don Ray

The meeting place of the gods,

What would it be like?

Surely there would be clash and conflict, for aren’t gods used to having their own way?

Surely this meeting place, this world, this universe, would need rules, would need constraints, would need structure and framework to allow these gods to even coexist in each other’s presence. 

Surely these gods would have to learn to deal with each other, would have to learn how to interact, and quite likely would initially chafe at the unfamiliar constraints of rules and structure that now bind their consciousness.

Why would these gods come to such a place, why would Consciousness submit to physical fetters and laws of physics?  Sometimes the newly instantiated gods themselves forget.  But soon enough they are reminded, reminded of the loneliness….the abiding loneliness of being all powerful in a universe of your own creation, the terror of the Void of omnipotence within your own isolated consciousness. 

But here in this meeting place, in this place of learning, learning from such primal foundation and nascent beginning that it might as well be called birth, they at least are not as alone as in that Void of their own creating.  Petulant, pouting, angry, frightened, and grief stricken they may be, but they are petulant, pouting, angry, frightened, and grief stricken in a level of Reality impossible in an isolated universe of their own creation.

Here consciousness, subject to rules of physical interaction, is enslaved and liberated, enslaved to temporal causality and physical constants, liberated from meaningless omnipotence and Void.

Occasionally the Void of loneliness still haunts even here; occasionally a god will find itself in depths of isolation from others, occasionally a god will think it wants to seek isolation from others, but inevitably the terror of the Void reasserts itself, and in desperation the god lashes out in some form, some desperate action, seeking the interaction Reality that only a temporal, causal, carnal world of flesh and blood can provide.

Constrained, so constrained, these gods of consciousness, learning to interact, learning to accept loss of powerless omnipotence in isolation, learning to accept each other, learning what Reality actually is, discovering reality not in the exercise of pointless whim and empty notion, but discovering Reality in interaction, and discovering deeper, ever deeper Reality in ever deeper interaction.

So in the meeting place of the gods, in the re-birth place of the gods, through the pain and clash and struggle and agony and combat and brutality and initial blindness of that birth,

…. Love is born.

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