Friday, December 22, 2017

Forgiving God

Forgiving God
Copyright 2017 Don Ray
Is it really all our fault?

Perhaps it is we who need to forgive God.

Blinded to spiritual Reality, the delusional veil of physical existence shrouding our conscious experience, that consciousness caged in a cranium and constrained to interact via a clumsy and defective wetware device called a brain, all the while the resulting attenuated conscious experience consumed by possessing demons of necessary hungers and lusts when not tortured by pain and fear, all anticipating the inevitable dark void of death…..

……shackled in this clinging morass of temporal existence we are supposed to attain heights above the angels?!....

…..becoming fully “human” is supposedly synonymous with accepting our inheritance as the children of God?!

Yes, indeed, yes….

…..for any Love, any compassion, any forgiveness, any selflessness that arises out of this grim entropic cauldron of cruelty and carnal confusion is indeed pure and bright and holy.

With good reason we cry at our birth, and then the abuse, disease, bad examples, bullying, bigotry, social conventions, righteous retribution, and marketing manipulations begin.  Yet somehow, preposterously impossible as it seems, some selfless Love and compassion and tolerance and forgiveness arise.

These are the greater madness, the beautiful irrational madness, arising out of the necessary rational and logical madness of physical lives doomed from their conception. 

This is eternity and holiest Purpose arising out of these fleeting physical forms, from these chrysalides of humanity the Christos arising.
Copyright 2017 Don Ray
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